The manufacturing process of aluminum strip stock can be divided into two parts in accordance rolling methods. Hot rolled aluminium strip is produced through melting of ingots, standing, casting, homogenizing annealing, hot rolling, cold rolling, annealing and packing, and cold rolled strip through melting, standing, cast rolling, cold rolling, annealing and packing. In other words, it’s easier to produce cold rolled aluminum strip stock and correspondingly its price is lower.
At present most aluminium strip suppliers are able to provide products of both methods. Melting refers to that of aluminum ingots in electric furnaces. The liquid will get cooled, crystalized, annealed and then cut into desired products. Cold rolling refers to the rolling of aluminium liquid below the re-crystallization temperature, and hot rolling refers to that above the re-crystallization temperature. In the process both hardening and softening procedures occur, and there is cold hardening of a certain degree owing to affection from deforming speed of the aluminium material. Hot rolling helps to improve properties and reduce casting defects of aluminum products. Cast rolling is realized by quick solidification and hot rolling of aluminum liquid between rollers with water-cooling systems. The process is finished within seconds. Temperature for cast rolling is usually between 680 and 700 degrees, and lower temperature is beneficial to good rolling effect. Cold hardening occurs easily during the cold rolling process. In addition, finishing equipment is also needed for products like aluminium strip stock. Finishing equipment helps to solve problems of cracked edges, oily surface, deformed sheets and remaining forces. Relative devices include machines for horizontal cutting, vertical cutting , bent stretching, annealing and slitting.